Ein Raucher verdreifacht sein Herzinfarktrisiko. Schon Raucher von 1-5
Zigaretten pro Tag haben 38% mehr Herzinfakte. Bei 40 Zigaretten pro
Tag steigt das Herzinfarktrisiko auf das 9-fache. Unabhängig davon
führen erhöhte Blutfette zu einer Erhöhung des relativen
Herzinfarktrisikos um den Faktor 3.2, Stress 2.7, Diabetes 2.4,
Hochdruck 1.9 und abdominelle Adipositas 1.1. Reduziert wurde das
Risiko durch täglichen Gemüse/Obst-Verzehr um den Faktor 0.7,
regelmäßigen Sport 0.86, bis zu 3-maligen Alkoholgenuss pro
Woche 0.91 (Yusuf et al. 2004, INTERHEART case-control study, Lancet
ORIGINALZITATE: "The risk factors that we've been able to measure
account for 90 per
cent or more of heart disease.
"The impact of these risk factors in developing heart disease is
global,"said Yusuf, head of the Population Health Research Institute at
the Hamilton university. "It's there in every ethnic group, in men, in
women, in every region of the world, in young and old.
"It means we should be able to prevent the majority of premature heart
attacks in the world."
"The most telling of those risk factors are cigarette smoking and a
ratio of bad to good cholesterol, which together predict two-thirds of
heart attacks worldwide, the study suggests, followed by high blood
pressure, diabetes, abdominal obesity, stress and depression, a lack of
daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, and a lack of daily
"Modest alcohol consumption - three to five drinks per week - was found
to be a slightly protective factor."