Source: Lim et al. 2012. Lancet 380, 2248, Fig. 5: Risk factors ranked by attributable burden of disease.
Ranking of risk factors Rangreihe der Risikofaktoren
1 Tobacco smoking, including second-hand smoke Tabakrauch (aktiv + passiv)
2 High blood pressure Hochdruck
3 High body mass index (BMI) Übergewicht
4 Alcohol use Alkohol
5 Physical inactivity and low physical activity Bewegungsmangel
6 High fasting plasma glucose Blutzucker
7 Diet low in fruits Ernährungsmangel - Früchte
8 High total cholesterol Cholesterin
9 Diet low in nuts and seeds Ernährungsmangel - Nüsse, Samen
10 Diet high in sodium Kochsalz
11 Ambient particulate matter pollution Außenluftverunreinigung - Feinstaub
12 Diet high in processed meat Wurst- und Fleisch
13 Diet low in vegetables Gemüsemangel
14 Drug use Medikamente, Drogen
15 Diet low in seafood omega-3 fatty acids Fischmangel (Omega-3-Fettsäuren)