Bisher waren Angestellte in der Gastronomie in Österreich, der Slowakei, Tschechien und Ungarn nur Arbeitnehmer zweiter Klasse, ohne Anspruch auf Schutz vor krebsfördernden Luftschadstoffen am Arbeitsplatz. Auch viele Wirte erkranken hier an Herzinfarkten, Schlaganfällen, Krebs- und Lungenerkrankungen durch das Passivrauchen.
Der zuständige Kommissar Laszlo Andor möchte das ändern und schreibt:
...On my part, I will support any initiative which will enhance the protection of non-smokers. I can assure you that I will also support commissioner Dalli in his initiatives supporting the protection of non-smokers.
In the struggle to reduce smoking and to protect non-smokers, a major role is played by citizens’ initiatives and committed civilians who influence public opinion and put pressure on the authorities to enforce regulations. I am delighted that you are also firmly committed to this cause and I would ask you to continue to help the non-smokers’ cause in your own area.
Please maintain contact with my assistant cabinet secretary, Éva Török, who is responsible for the employee health and safety questions within my cabinet, and who will always be available to update you on progress made in the negotiations. (übersetzt aus dem Ungarischen)