So this report only benefit PMI (the beneficiary).
Something we said in the past and what KPMG confirms.
former PMI partner claims in the NY court this month that these
reports are biased and suggests data manipulation.
complaint says for instance on page 10: "44. PMI today uses Empty Pack Surveys (EPS) data as a
political instrument to target certain “illicit competitors,” to
lobby against taxes, and to recharacterize PMI’s own
transnational and transborder flow of its products.4 For example:
a) When the characteristics of the packages and in
particular the origin were not in line with PMI’s objectives of
local markets, PMI unilaterally modified these characteristics
without asking the other EPS survey participants.
b) In other instances, PMI demanded the removal of
certain EPS reports(including in the European Union and Latin
America) on the grounds that the results of the surveys did not
match PMI’s expectations.
c) PMI further more sought to reframe how EPS data
(Mexico,Quarter 4, 2019) was reported, to obscure the fact that
PMI counterfeit products had been found.
d) While Nicolas Otte5 was the Director of PMI’s Latin American zone, PMI
manipulated several EPS reports to highlight the influence of
foreign brands designated as illicit. Specifically, PMI
misidentified the origin of certain illicit brands as being
Chinese, when in fact, such cigarettes were sourced from
Guatemala. As a result, PMI was able to obtain reductions or
increases in taxes, as best fits its strategic ends."
are eager to see the outcome of this complaint introduced at the
Supreme Court of the State of NY on 2 November 2020. INDEX
NO. 654062/2020
also the link of investigative journalists on the complaint: